Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Just For Fun

I just wanted to put up of a few of my recent favorite shots...

Scottsdale, AZ

San Francisco, CA

Washington DC

St. Petersburg, FL

Landstuhl, Germany


I realize it's been awhile since I've posted anything here but it's mostly due to the fact that I switched jobs yet again.  I'm now back at United Airlines... sort-of.

I watched the armed Guatemalan "policia" patrolling the street as I enjoyed my beer

I'll try to explain without a lot of boring details.  I actually work for Continental Airlines (at least my W2 says so), but since Continental and United have merged operations, I use the "United" callsign on the radio when talking to ATC.  Once the pilot seniority lists are merged, then everything will be back to "normal".  (Riiiight)

Working for the Continental side of things and being based in Houston means a lot of flying into Mexico and Central America for me.  We also fly to a few South America destinations but I have yet to go.

Within the last 2 months, I've been to a few new places such as, Cozumel, Cancun, Panama City and Guatemala City.  So far I've enjoyed the experience at each place.  Panama City is far more modern than I imagined it would be.  Guatemala City wasn't as built up as Panama but it was still fairly nice. 

This was taken in the hotel bar in San Salvador

I didn't have a lot of time in Panama but enough to have a few local beers at a bar down the street from the hotel.  The small hole-in-the-wall place called "The Texas Bar" had about 8 tables... and free wifi.

You can have McDonald's delivered in Guatemala 

In Guatemala City I had more time to explore.  I spent a few hours wandering around the city within a handful of blocks from our hotel.  There were many nice looking restaurants and pubs.  Myself and 2 others from our crew ended up eating at a greek restaurant and partook of a cuban beer that the restaurant owner said she just got in.  It was actually pretty good.

The Cuban cerveza

I was only in Cozumel for an hour as we just dropped people off and picked people up.  Cancun was great because I had 20 hours to enjoy the beaches and warm weather.

I apparently didn't take any "liquid" photos in Cancun... but here is one of the control tower at the Cancun airport.

I'm certain that I'll get more opportunities to find myself in other latin american destinations in the near future... and when I do, I'll be sure to take a few "liquid" photos to share with you.
