Nothing like 12 year old Scotch in a plastic Solo cup just a couple hours before the "Star Party"
In September 2011 I had an opportunity to attend the annual "fly-in" put on by the "Tiger Boys" in Guelph, Ontario. This event is a gathering of nearly 100 antique aircraft and the people who enjoy them. I spent the day walking around the airport admiring and photographing some fantastic old airplanes. There were airplane rides available for a nominal fee. While I did not partake in the airplane rides, I did accept the invitation to stay until after dark and enjoy the "Star Party". This was where our host, Glenn, gave the dozen or so people who were there a bit of an education on the star-filled, night sky. The entire day and evening was a terrific experience where I met some friends for the first time in person and made some new ones as well.
A pair of Tiger Moths patiently waiting
Cheers, Eh!